In This Guide, I’ll Show you how To buy Replica ? in 3 Simple Steps :
If you don’t know what hidden links are then I’ll explain. Aliexpress does not allow sellers to offer counterfeit goods (reps) so sellers use ‘hidden links’ to sell reps on Aliexpress. The seller via his hidden links page(s), will show you images of the original product that you are buying alongside a code and a hyperlink to buy. The link will open a page on Aliexpress but you will not see images of the original product, instead you will see a generic image and description not related to the original product. The generic image will have a corresponding code from the hidden links page. You choose the product of your choice by the code in the original post. Now for the important part. For this hidden link system to work and continue to work it’s vital not to communicate with the seller mentioning brand names, also it’s important when leaving feedback not to mention brand names or upload images of the products bought. This way everything stays under the radar and we can all continue to purchase great items that won’t show up under normal search methods.
Copy the Code of the product you want to buy and Click on Buy Now.
STEP 2 :
You’ll be redirected to Aliexpress To Purchase, You’ll notice that the product pictures and title are different, that’s because Aliexpress does not allow selling Brands on the platform, just go ahead and Click on Buy Now.
STEP 3 :
sometimes product has different variations, you have to copy the main code as we explained above + the number of the variation, (see the example below).
Finally after you successfully place your order, send the entire code to the seller.
Note : if the product has different sizes, send the code + size you want to the Seller On ALiexpress.
Example : (4536+1) size XL Or (4536+1) size M.